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Kuwait T20 Challengers Cup, 2023 - matches

26th February, 2023

Match 1

Al Jahra Governorate

118/10 (18.1)

121/4 (11.3)

Stack CC beat Prosports by 6 wickets


Player of the match

Shiraz Khan - STA

27th February, 2023

Match Abandoned without toss

28th February, 2023

Match 3

Al Jahra Governorate

NCM Investments beat Saipem Safety Plus CC by 32 runs


Player of the match

Nasir Hussain - NCMI

1st March, 2023

Match 4

Al Jahra Governorate

281/4 (20.0)

86/10 (15.0)

Noor CM Academy beat YSSC by 195 runs


Player of the match

Mehmood Alam Khan - NCA

3rd March, 2023

Match 5

Al Jahra Governorate

176/6 (20.0)

171/9 (20.0)

Ceylinco CC beat Desert Raiders by 5 runs

Match 6

Al Jahra Governorate

137/9 (20.0)

Saipem Safety Plus CC beat KRM Panthers by 10 wickets


Player of the match

Sanker Varathappan - SPC

Match 7

Al Jahra Governorate

113/10 (18.1)

115/3 (11.0)

Stack CC beat Big Easy XI by 7 wickets


Player of the match

Khaliq Ansari - STA

4th March, 2023

Match 8

Al Jahra Governorate

288/3 (20.0)

YSSC beat Karavali United Cricket Club by 137 runs


Player of the match

Simsan Mohamed - YSS

5th March, 2023

Match 9

Al Jahra Governorate

98/10 (16.4)

NCM Investments beat Big Easy XI by 44 runs


Player of the match

Diju Sheeli - NCMI

6th March, 2023

Match 10

Al Jahra Governorate

183/6 (20.0)

156/7 (20.0)

Desert Raiders beat EcovertFM by 27 runs


Player of the match

Kashif Sharif - DR

7th March, 2023

Match 11

Al Jahra Governorate

116/10 (18.4)

58/2 (8.0)

Ceylinco CC beat Noor CM Academy by 15 runs (D/L method)

8th March, 2023

Match 12

Al Jahra Governorate

187/7 (20.0)

123/10 (18.2)

KRM Panthers beat Prosports by 64 runs


Player of the match

Rijil Venugopal - KRM

9th March, 2023

Noor CM Academy beat Karavali United Cricket Club by 6 wickets


Player of the match

Abdul Gayaz Shaikh - NCA

Match 14

Al Jahra Governorate

209/8 (20.0)

66/4 (6.0)

Desert Raiders beat YSSC by 11 runs (D/L method)


Player of the match

Kashif Sharif - DR

10th March, 2023

Match 15

Al Jahra Governorate

Yet to Bat

Match Abandoned without toss

Match 16

Al Jahra Governorate

Yet to Bat

Yet to Bat

Match Abandoned without toss

Match 17

Al Jahra Governorate

Yet to Bat

Match Abandoned without toss

Match 18

Al Jahra Governorate

187/6 (20.0)

156/10 (19.0)

EcovertFM beat Ceylinco CC by 31 runs


Player of the match

Umar Abdullah - ETF

Desert Raiders beat Karavali United Cricket Club by 75 runs

11th March, 2023

Match 20

Al Jahra Governorate

238/1 (20.0)

Stack CC beat Saipem Safety Plus CC by 112 runs


Player of the match

Mohammed Farook - STA

12th March, 2023

Match 21

Al Jahra Governorate

Yet to Bat

Yet to Bat

Match Abandoned without toss

13th March, 2023

Match 22

Al Jahra Governorate

146/7 (20.0)

90/10 (19.1)

Big Easy XI beat Prosports by 56 runs


Player of the match

Sibtain Raza - BEI

14th March, 2023

Match 23

Al Jahra Governorate

192/4 (20.0)

100/10 (14.3)

Desert Raiders beat Noor CM Academy by 92 runs


Player of the match

Kashif Sharif - DR

15th March, 2023

Match 24

Al Jahra Governorate

125/7 (14.0)

NCM Investments beat KRM Panthers by 58 runs


Player of the match

Diju Sheeli - NCMI

16th March, 2023

Match 25

Al Jahra Governorate

110/10 (19.2)

Saipem Safety Plus CC beat Big Easy XI by 9 wickets


Player of the match

Nichel Prakash - SPC

Match 26

Al Jahra Governorate

95/10 (18.2)

96/1 (6.3)

EcovertFM beat YSSC by 9 wickets


Player of the match

Umar Abdullah - ETF

17th March, 2023

Match 27

Al Jahra Governorate

223/10 (20.0)

100/10 (12.2)

NCM Investments beat Prosports by 123 runs

Match 28

Al Jahra Governorate

138/10 (20.0)

139/7 (18.2)

KRM Panthers beat Stack CC by 3 wickets (D/L method)


Player of the match

Arjun Narayanakutty - KRM

Match 29

Al Jahra Governorate

59/10 (10.2)

62/0 (4.3)

EcovertFM beat Noor CM Academy by 10 wickets


Player of the match

Abdullah Ghulam - ETF

Match 30

Al Jahra Governorate

207/8 (20.0)

Ceylinco CC beat Karavali United Cricket Club by 63 runs


Player of the match

Madhushan Nayanajith - CECC

18th March, 2023

1st Semi-Final

Al Jahra Governorate

170/8 (20.0)

171/6 (19.1)

Stack CC beat Desert Raiders by 4 wickets


Player of the match

Imran Nawaz - STA

19th March, 2023

2nd Semi-Final

Al Jahra Governorate

180/8 (20.0)

158/10 (17.4)

EcovertFM beat NCM Investments by 22 runs


Player of the match

Abdullah Ghulam - ETF

20th March, 2023


Al Jahra Governorate

202/8 (20.0)

203/6 (18.3)

Stack CC beat EcovertFM by 4 wickets


Player of the match

Naveed Fakhr - STA